Education & Mentorship
Psychedelic Facilitator Training
​Trauma-Attuned Consent in Psychedelic Facilitation
Trauma-Informed Care in Psychedelic Services
Ethics for Psychedelic Facilitators
Courses on power and accountability in psychedelic services
I am on faculty at SoundMind Institute, Psychedelics Today's Vital Program, and Synaptic Institute. I also guest teach at various academic institutions and training programs.
Private Mentorship for
Consent Practices
I offer private mentorship to practitioners working with psychedelics who wish to integrate a trauma-attuned consent framework into their work with clients, the set up of their practice, and their own relationship with consent.
I offer one-time consulting, ongoing mentorship, and a 6-session mentoring program. Please contact me for more information on what these look like in practice and to discuss what the best fit is for you.
Public Education Offerings
Consent Practices for Psychedelic Communities (open to all)
Consent and Touch in Psychedelic Assisted Services (for practitioners)
In person in Portland, OR. Details coming soon.