Psychedelic Integration
Psychedelic Integration is designed to assist you in translating your experiences from a psychedelic state of consciousness to everyday consciousness in a sustainable, meaningful way. It is a process of reorganizing the self to include the material experienced during an altered state.
This process is tailored to your specific experience and need. People who have had difficult experiences can benefit by exploring what came up to find a deeper understanding of the commonly challenging state stirred up by psychedelics. Those who have had positive experiences find integration useful in gaining further insights and having a safe space to process.
I also offer preparation sessions for those who have planned psychedelic journeys and would like wrap around support. Preparation sessions include cultivating and clarifying intentions for journeying, support in creating safe set and setting, and harm reduction/benefit maximization education. Intentional and dedicated preparation and integration are deeply important to the psychedelic process. This container holds the journey experience and provides structure that allows the deep work to create long lasting impact in your life.
Certificate of Psychedelic Assisted Therapies and Research from The California Institute of Integral Studies
MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for PTSD from the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS)
Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy from Helios Wellness
Psychedelic Peer Support from the Zendo Project
Cultivating the Seat of the Guide from Valeria McCarroll
I do not provide psychoactive or illicit substances. I do not provide referrals to practitioners working outside of legally sanctioned settings.